Gluttonous Gulls
Attempting to enjoy a nice, quiet and relaxing lunch of fish and chips by the beach at Redcliffe without being stalked by scavenging seagulls is near impossible. The decision to share your lunch with these birds is not always a wise one. Before you know it, every seagull within a three kilometre radius has got wind of the ‘free food’ and is hovering like a, well, vulture. It can be extremely daunting being surrounded by a mass of hungry squawking seagulls. It can also be a lot of fun if you happen to have a camera handy. Or two cameras in this case. Yes. You guessed it. More TtV (Through the Viewfinder) photos to share...

Lunch is over. All gone. I swear I have no more fish. Can you stop looking at me like that. Please?
These little greedy gulls and a bunch of other TtV photos have just been added to my etsy shop.
Seagulls: “Mine. Mine. Mine.” Nigel: “Oh would you just shut up? You’re rats with wings.” (from Finding Nemo)
Lunch is over. All gone. I swear I have no more fish. Can you stop looking at me like that. Please?
These little greedy gulls and a bunch of other TtV photos have just been added to my etsy shop.
I have made the mistake of feeding gulls, and quickly learned the ramifications of doing so... it's like voluntarily entering a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". However next time I am lucky enough to get to the beach, I just may be tempted, (thanks to you and your argus) to have a go at feeding them again!
And you inspired me to try this TtV business for the first time. I just took some shots of my yarn shelf with a Sony Cyber-shot through the viewfinder of my dad's old Canon AE-1. It worked pretty well!
Off to see your shop...
Until I remember people eat on that table....and we always called seagulls "winged rats". Then I get kind of grossed out, ha ha.
But seriously great pics.
Thanks for the idea about starting a window meme. I really do love taking pictures of shop windows & I always seem to get a good response when I do. I'm just not sure if I can keep up with it properly! I am considering it though.
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Pigeons will bob on over after skirting around you and nod at you with a bit of a "g'day mate. got a chip mate?" attitude where as seagulls will fly right into your face and squawk "give-us-a-effin-chip-give-us-a-effin-chip!!!!!"
Thanks Rachel! Wall of fame eh? I hope there's a big photo of you up there. Being the now famous TV celebrity awesome artist you are!
Those are awesome!
Once my mom was digging for clams home, at the bay..She and her sister had a beer and the seagull kept drinking it when they were in the water..Next the poor guy was a little tipsy..
I once watched a lady standing on the beach in a full-length fur coat, holding bread way up in the air for a flock of seagulls. She was oblivious to the fact that each bird that snatched some bread expressed its appreciation by splattering the back of her coat. Sometimes justice comes from unexpected places.