7 things I love
I've been lucky enough to receive a few blog awards recently. The Honest Scrap award from Zen Dot Studio. The Lemonade Stand award from Zen Dot Studio (geez two, woo-hoo, thanks Zen!) and also from Jane of Scrappy Gram. And the Kreativ Blogger award from Nicole of Bits of Toffee. Thanks ever so much guys! Blog awards are strange things. It's so flattering to know that people like my blog enough to give me awards, but they also make me uncomfortable because I have great difficulty choosing blogs to pass them along to. It's so hard! There are so many blogs that I love for different reasons and to narrow it down to a mere 5, 7, 10 (or whatever number the particular award specifies) I find impossible. So may I please please please be excused from following through on that part? I'm also not good at compiling those lists associated with the awards (I really am a hopeless case of an award recipient!) but I will at least follow through on one of them. I've chosen the '7 things you love' list because I really enjoyed the way Nicole compiled her lovely list using photos. I thought that would be a fun way to go, so I hope you don't mind me stealing your great idea Nicole. Again, thanks so much for the awards. And I do sincerely apologise for not playing by the rules. xo
Seven loves in no particular order. I have many other loves but some are much trickier to photograph...

Fudge is a weakness of mine. One of many. This I purchased from the City Farmers Markets

Coffee I love in absurd amounts. I've posted this photo previously but I liked it so I'm posting it again

My sweet dog Sophie. What is not so sweet is her regular refusal to budge from the bed...

Music! Especially in the form of pretty designed mix-CDs made for me by kind friends

I rarely take pics of flowers but I adore our native Aussie Rosella flowers. And I adore Rosella jam too!

Oh how I love blue skies! Photo taken last Friday. Blue skies have been a rarity here since

Simplifying. It's enabled me to focus more clearly on things that are most important to me
"Our lives are frittered away by detail; simplify, simplify" — Henry David Thoreau
Seven loves in no particular order. I have many other loves but some are much trickier to photograph...

Congrats again on your awards!
See you Sunday!
Love your list though so glad you followed through on that part. Your dog looks so sweet. My cats do that and in fact I can see them wishing I would go away or at least be quiet so they can get SOME SLEEP!
Oh your photo of Sophie is adorable. It makes me want to give her a big fluffy, scruffy, woofy, boofy cuddle! I'm sure she'll probably bite me though, me being a complete stranger and all.
Love your 7 lovely things §:-))
Just peeping on my day-dreaming day.
: )
And I love that last quote. Will try to hang on to that one :)
Kisses to Sophie.
Congrats on your award. Much deserved. You're the perfect award recipient.
Paz ;-)
So simple, true and lovely.
Well done.
and I'm jealous of the sweet Sophie languishing in bed :)
Congrats on all your awards.
love your fave pictures!!!
Great list and photos. If you put all of those things together, you've got the ideal experience:
Sitting under a blue sky, in a field of rosella, with Sophie by your side. You're listening to a favorite mixtape, enjoying a cuppa and some great fudge. Perfect simplicity!
Carry on the great work!